Individual Therapy

What is individual therapy?

Individual therapy aims to assist people in navigating life’s challenges and resolving problematic behaviours, beliefs, and feelings. Psychologist’s use the professional relationship to help develop the person’s self-understanding and increase their confidence to take the necessary steps for creating a life of greater fulfilment and purpose.

A structured approach in which the psychologist and client work together to understand problems and come up with solutions suits some, but others prefer an unstructured approach where they are guided in generating their own solutions. Either way, therapy usually involves identifying existing strengths that the person can apply to their current situation, teaching new psychological skills, and providing instruction on how to use these skills in problematic situations.

In therapy, the focus is exclusively on the client and their needs. This focus provides allows the person to explore what truly matters and try out new ways of being without the tricky ripple-effects that can occur in social settings. Your approach to tackling difficulties is different from everybody else. Together, we’ll figure out what will work best for you and come up with a plan of action.

Is individual therapy right for me?

Individual therapy might be right for you if:

  • You know something needs to change but you’re not sure what.

  • You don’t have a safe, non-judgemental space to focus on your life.

  • You’ve tried everything you can think of and you still need direction.

  • You’ve tried all the advice from your friends and family and that hasn’t worked either.

  • Or maybe the advice from your friends and family seems like it was meant for someone else.