How Do I Obtain a Mental Health Treatment Plan?

You don’t need a referral to see a psychologist in Australia - you can either pay the full-fee yourself or, depending on your coverage, part of the fee may be covered by your health insurance.

Many people find that a more affordable way of accessing a psychologist is to obtain a Mental Health Treatment Plan, as Medicare rebates a substantial part of each session for up to 10 sessions a year.

The process of obtaining a Mental Health Treatment Plan can feel overwhelming, particularly if you are experiencing distress or in a difficult situation. The following steps are designed to help you through this process - please follow them as best you can:

  1. Book a long, 20 minute appointment with a General Practitioner (GP), preferably a GP you can have ongoing contact with.

  2. At your appointment, let your GP know how you are feeling, in your own words, and then ask for a Mental Health Treatment Plan.

  3. The GP will usually ask you a bit more about how you are feeling, ask you to fill out some questionnaires, and then ask which psychologist you would like a referral to.

  4. If you would like to see me, ask for a referral to Dr Bronwyn Milkins (Suite 15, 11 Preston St, Como, WA 6152). Your GP should write a referral letter. Please ask your GP to forward the referral letter to me at or via HealthLink at bmilkins. If the GP gives you a paper copy of the referral letter, please email me at to set up an appointment and send the letter to me before your appointment.

It’s worthwhile keeping in mind that not all people are eligible for a Mental Health Care Plan. For example, a Mental Health Treatment Plan cannot cover people seeking couples counselling or people who are not likely to benefit from a structured approach to their treatment. If you are not eligible, ask your GP to recommend services that are appropriate to your situation.